Something Deeper

Jeseppi & Denise
I come from a long line of Italian intellectuals and philosophers called: "Segreto", which means "secret", or "mystic"; we have a talent for seeing what lies underneath many things. I lived and studied with Franciscans at the Hudson River estate of Hamilton Fish in Garrison New York. They believed and taught an unnatural view of God and sex. I learned many lessons as a kid exploring NYC in the 50's and 60' s before working at the US Trust Company, a private investment bank on Wall Street. I went to Vietnam, and returned with a PTSD disability. I wanted answers about why all the killing. Got a liberal arts education, and studied Dante in Italy while searching for Yeshua. Both seemed to have a unique voice regarding human relationships and spiritual truths. I continued to study them, becoming a student more of mankind, than of philosophy, religion. or theology. I searched for academic honesty and reliability in all fields, in history, especially. After graduation, I began my artistic pursuits in sculpture in a warehouse studio. I soon took on working in the building trades, and eventually became regarded as a skilled artisan in ceramic tile and marble. I have completed over two thousand projects.
As an artisan in tile and marble, I have completed over 2000 projects. Today, after quite a climb, and many hard lessons, I work at what I love and do best in the arts, my craft in tile, marble, mosaics and oil painating. I pursue intellectual interests quietly, and peacefully with my lovely new wife, Denise, a fused glass artist [cf: Touching Hearts - Tribe] living in our twenty acre mountain farm in Summit, New York. I have even inherited a new family of kind, supportive and loving people, who are gracious and love one another deeply. They are a special gift of joy, and many blessings of family, generosity and peace on many levels.
I support the uninhibited sincere voice of any person willing to stand up and speak. I work at being positive, promoting blessings wherever I am able finding new ways to promote interdependent interaction among people of all races, creeds, and cultures. Performance art in downtempo, urban, blues/rock guitar improvisation, and other disciplines are my vehicles for self expression, social interaction, and community enrichment.
Ennobled by many talented friends I am honored to be listed among a few modest artists at the website of Jean-Pierre deRothschild:

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