Saturday, December 09, 2006

What I Do


i compose and perform urban /down tempo /
blues rock / improvisations on electric guitar.

my contacts in the world of music are many and varied

my greatest fame is among my immediate friends
i am slow to publish my work yet i feel pleased to say that the gift of music has brought me and others much joy and sharing throughout my life

I have performed publicly and privately throughout the world's motley and sometimes vile collection of tasteful and tasteless clubs, from the Pozzo di Beatrice in Florence to the Cafe International on Haight Street, through pristine churches, radio stations, emotionally charged social events for the disabled, to urban parks where degenerates lay in vomit, to prisons filled with open hearts, to many other artists of different media, to many warm firesides in homes where princes of premier families sip fine wine and discuss art.

i may be reached at:

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